Done your research, discussed at your mothers group and attended the child health information session, now totally confiused, you are not alone. To help guide you through the maze, we has put together the best up to date and practical information available to help you and your baby take this next important step. 

When to start solids: allergies or not

When to start solids in normal infants and those at risk of allergies

It is no coincidence that readiness for solids seems to align with accquisition of developmental skills needed, maturation of the digestive system and when breast milk or formula is no longer enough nutritionally. Advice regarding the optimal time to start solids has had a rethink in recent years.

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Foods to avoid in the under ones

Foods to avoid in the under ones

There are certains foods that should be avoided during the first year for a variety of reasons: choking hazards, food poisoning and numerous nutritional concerns. Children with allergies or a family history of allergy need specailist advice before introducing potential allergenic foods.

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What's the fuss about honey in the under ones

What's the fuss about honey in the under ones

Honey is considered by most to be a natural, healthy food but it's a definite no-no for the babies under one because of the risk of infant botulism.

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