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Dr Liz works with the Allergy team at the Royal Childrens Hospital and is trained in allergy assessment and management including skin prick testing. She is pleased to be able to offer timely access to these services at Flourish Paediatrics.
Are you worried that your child's behaviour is more challenging then expected for age or development is behind. Dr Liz is experienced in assessment and management of ADHD, autism spectrum disorder and anxiety as well as a range of mental health and developmental problems. She works closely with an excellent network to get you the help both you and your child need.
Find out more about the services we offer including Bell and Pad alarms for bedwetting
The Health Bank information hub offers a wide range of information to answer all your immediate medical questions and set you mind at rest. Find out more
Watch the safe wrapping to prevent hip dysplasia video
Techniques to prevent or improve plagiocephaly are most effective in the first 3 months. Find out more