Growth Charts /

Percentile charts

01 In Brief

Percentile charts are used as guide when growth and weight gain are a concern. Various charts are used and recently WHO charts for fully breast fed babies may be a better guide to whats normal compared to the more traditional CDC based paediatric percentile charts.

02 What Do I Need To Know?

In Australia, the US based Centre for Disease Control (CDC) growth charts have been used. Recent data would suggest that for breast fed babies that the WHO charts reflect more accurately their normal growth pattern. 

CDC now recommends that the WHO charts are used for infants under 2 years of age.

03 What Others Say

  • Raising Children network; percentile charts explained

Growth Charts

  • Victorian Government, Australia

Information about Growth Charts: key questions about the introduction of New and revised growth Charts for Victorian children (CDC 2000 Growth Charts)

  •  Australian and New Zealand  Paediatric Growth Charts 

Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group

Girls 2-18 years

Boys 2-18 years

Prem babies charts and Post natal 0-3 years

Girls In Utero 24-42 weeks and 0-3 yrs

Boys In utero 24-42 weeks and 0-3 yrs

  • WHO Charts  are able to be downloaded from the CDC site

CDC Growth chart recommendations 



Weight for age Boys: Boys percentiles

Birth to 6 months

Birth to 2 yrs

6 months to 2 yrs

Boys Length/Height-for-age 


Weight for age Girls: Girls percentiles

Birth to 6 months

Birth to 2 yrs

6 months to 2 yrs

Girls  Length/Height-for-age 

04 I Want To Know More

The information published here has been reviewed by Flourish Paediatrics and represents the available published literature at the time of review.
The information is not intended to take the place of medical advice.
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Last updated: 31/07/2011 by Dr Liz Hallam