Growth Charts /

Ethnic Growth charts

01 In Brief

Growth Charts from other countries may be hard to interpret as many are out of date, drawn from small samples and may be derived from malnourished populations. The WHO charts released in 2006 with standards fro ages 0-5yrs shows that  "child populations grow similarly across the world’s major regions when their needs for health and care are met."

02 What Others Say

The Centre for Adoption Medicine from the Seattles Children's Hospital contains useful information about 

Start here with Growth Charts

WHO Growth Charts

Girls: Birth to 36 months

Girls: 2years to 18 years

Boys: Birth to 36 months

Boys: 2 years to 18 years

  • Growth Charts from website Children from China  have updated growth charts

Growth charts from China


The information published here has been reviewed by Flourish Paediatrics and represents the available published literature at the time of review.
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Last updated: 05/03/2011