Going Home

So the baby's safely strapped in the brand new capsule ready to go home and the key's in the ignition. You and your partner look at each other. Yikes! Now what?

You’re on your way home with a hand book and crossed fingers. You’re suddenly responsible for another little person that is totally and utterly dependent upon you for their survival and is unable to tell you what their needs are. Every baby is different so there’s no way of knowing exactly what to expect. Here we help you try and understand what your baby needs from you and to anticipate what may lie ahead of you.

This section outlines what you could normally expect in the first few months of baby’s homecoming as well as providing some fairly comprehensive information on common problems you may encounter.  Here, we give you up-to-date information on common problems you may encounter, from hernias and reflux, to skin conditions and routine immunisations. You’ll find the comprehensive material reassuring. 

N.B. Sleeping, settling issues and feeding are such big topics we have chosen to cover these in separate sections.