Tests for my Unborn Baby /

Maternal Serum Screening Tests in Pregnancy

01 In Brief

Two types of maternal screening tests are currently available to women who wish to undergo screening in pregnancy:

Combined first trimester screening - a blood test at ten weeks and an ultrasound at 12 weeks;

Second trimester screening - a blood test between 14-20 weeks.

02 What Others Say

  • Centre for Genetics Education, NSW Health,

Prenatal Testing Overview

Prenatal Testing 1st and 2nd Trimester Screening

  • Victorian Clinical Genetics Service has an excellent collection of brochures about maternal serum screening in pregnancy.

Maternal serum screening 

03 I Want To Know More

  • The Decsion Aid is a 30-page document written for the consumer which contains all you need to know about prenatal testing. It is produced by a preeminent team of Australian health professionals, with expertise in prenatal testing, from backgrounds in genetic counselling, obstetrics, midwifery, psychology, general practice, epidemiology and education.

Your choice : screening and diagnostic test in pregnancy

The information published here has been reviewed by Flourish Paediatrics and represents the available published literature at the time of review.
The information is not intended to take the place of medical advice.
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Last updated: 29/06/2011 by Dr Elizabeth Hallam/Claire Galea*